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Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by SalsaLover
10/28/2014  12:20:00 PM
Hello to all , i would like to discuss some Stuff that confuses me .
I have been to ballroom and Latin dancing for a long while , but never started learning salsa . So i tried to start learning salsa with private and team lessons .
My problem is that after doing lots of lessons where ever i go it seems i cannot dance easily with people at parties and cannot also follow easily , after having a discussion with my teacher , i was advised that the ballroom / latin dancing American and international overlaps my style (Different styles when dancing Salsa )
So do you believe that for someone that wants to Master salsa should focus only on this dance ? (All kinds New York/ Cuban / La ) ...
Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by Voco
10/28/2014  9:43:00 PM
Salsa is a club dance. It is danced in clubs disregarding the rules of International or American competition dances. For example, in the eyes of a trained Ballroom, Latin or Rhythm dancer, it looks downright ugly when the men dancing it in the clubs, back-weighted, stepping on the heel on nearly every step.

Mambo of American Rhythm is the closest relative of Salsa. But looks much better. Some Salsa dancers dance a version of Mambo and call it Salsa on Two.
Also, it seems that the more the dancer can pack into a measure, the more is appreciated, regardless of the quality of the movement.

You have to decide what direction you want to take. Copy the ugly moves of the club-dancers and be comfortable and accepted in Salsa social dance circles, or continue your more structured dances. Although there are a few dancers who are comfortable in both worlds.
Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by terence2
11/2/2014  2:30:00 AM
Dont know where you are dancing your salsa, but its certainly not indicative of the genre. Are there people who use heel leads? yep, but its a STREET dance and has not been corrupted by B/room.

And.. to say one is "better ", shows how little you know about the genre.You also seem to make a lot of "blanket " statements that, are personal opinions, and not fact based.

Its akin to saying that Intern. Rumba is better than Bolero.
And, to make myself perfectly clear,you certainly have the right to express your opinions, and your personal dance choices, but.. one should NEVER denigrate another style, because of those .
Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by Voco
11/4/2014  12:20:00 AM
Attn.: Terence2

RE: its a STREET dance and has not been corrupted by B/room.
Could you elaborate?

RE: personal opinions
Yes, you are right, of course, just an opinion.

RE: Rumba is better than Bolero.
I did not say that. They are both highly refined dances. They both can be danced beautifully.

RE: you certainly have the right to express your opinions
Thanks for the permission.

RE: denigrate another style
I did not denigrate it. Basically I said that in my opinion, Salsa is an unrefined dance, as most street dances are. Just fine, if you like street dances. The example, stepping on the heel, may look beautiful to you, and I respect that opinion, but it often produces a rigid or jerky motion. And that is fact.

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